State of Iowa resources
The Iowa Public Records Law, Chapter 22 of the Iowa Code, establishes that records held by government agencies are public and subject to disclosure, unless an expressed exception in the law recognizes the confidentiality of the material (see Iowa Code 22.7, Confidential Records).
The Iowa Public Information Board (see Iowa Code Chapter 23) was created in July 2012 and activated in July 2013 to “provide an alternative means by which to secure compliance with and enforcement of the requirements of chapters 21 and 22.” IPIB serves as a resource regarding Iowa open meetings and open records laws, and has the authority to receive and investigate complaints about alleged violations of the laws and to issue advice or declaratory orders.
The Iowa Board of Regents maintains a Transparency website which includes links to policies and resources. Documents and reports submitted by the University of Iowa to the Board of Regents containing statistical data and other information are also included under Reports.
University of Iowa resources
The Office of Transparency works closely with other offices on campus when processing public records requests.
When responding to requests from the media, we frequently work with the Office of Strategic Communication. Requests for records from the media should be filed as public records requests and processed by the Office of Transparency. However, the Office of Strategic Communication is the primary point of contact for news media looking to interview UI personnel or seeking general information (not records) about university matters.
When questions arise as to whether or not a document or portions of a document are confidential and exempt from release, we consult with the Office of the General Counsel for legal advice and interpretation.
The University's Operations Manual contains several policies relevant to public records, including the Records Management policy, which outlines how and when records should be retained and disposed, and the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources policy. If employees fail to comply when assigned to a public records request, the University will consider appropriate discipline under the Ethics and Responsibility policies for faculty and staff.